About Us
Föry Consulting AG is an independent informatics service company established in 1991. Föry Consulting AG is actively involved in international projects (in the US, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, the UK, and Spain). It is a competent partner in your endeavour to cope with any language barriers.It is our declared objective to fully identify not only with our own company but also with specific projects and our customers’ goals. Within our company, this implies transparency, staff participation, and continuous support of staff training and further education. Should we lack the requisite know-how and/or capacity to tackle a specific task, we shall seek cooperation agreements with other companies in order to guarantee the success of our customers’ projects.

Föry Consulting AG will realize the technical solutions defined in the areas of activity ÂConcepts, Data Models, and Information Engineering  in a highly efficient manner.
The data model is presented with the help of state-of-the-art design tools and implemented on any database specified by you. We shall develop a customized application for you with the help of powerful third- and fourth-generation languages. Of course, these applications use state-of-the-art technology concerning user interfaces, consistent behaviour, operational sequences, and stability. Our long years of experience enable us to efficiently support you throughout the entire period of realization  including new developments, the adaption of existing software, support in case of migrations, or database conversions. Our most recent area of activity includes the application of object-oriented solutions with suitable tools.
As the languages and tools we use provide interfaces to various types of databases, we are well-versed in applying our know-how to these products, too, including the most important relational (SQL-based) database servers. In addition, our product know-how also in-cludes desktop databases.

openMIS GmbH
openMIS is the sister company of Föry Consulting AG and is responsible for the software development to support consultancy services.

adaptability IT
For several projects we have been working closely with adaptabilit IT to extend our resources and expertise exchange.

Since the start of Föry Consulting AG we were partners of InformationBuilders. Now we are partners with TIBCO, who have now included InformationBuilders solutions into their portfolio. We have used their strong set of products for our consultancy services as well as for most of our software developments.